in community for ourselves, each other and our world

Bearing Witness to Ireland's Mother and Baby Institutions

A five-day, international retreat taking place from May 26 - 31 2025

Roshi Frank De Waele, Niamh Barrett, Ginni Stern and Dee Kerins warmly invite you to join us for a five-day international Bearing Witness retreat in Ireland, from May 26 – May 31 2025.

Stillness and recollection are at the core of this retreat, in the unifying spirit of the Three Tenets of the Zen Peacemakers. As pilgrims, we bear witness and listen to the soul of unfathomable places.

*Q&A/Information session*

On Wednesday, March 26th Roshi Frank and Niamh Barrett will host a short Zoom presentation/Q&A session about the retreat.

17:00 - 18:00 UTC

To register click here

In this five-day Bearing Witness retreat, together we will remember those women and children who were institutionalised in Irish mother and baby homes. Religious-run mother and baby institutions formed part of a nexus of institutions which were active during the twentieth century in Ireland. A system of secrecy and concealment arose from an extreme religious and, consequently, wider social condemnation of sex and pregnancy outside marriage. Unmarried women who became pregnant were deemed to be ‘fallen’ and, along with their children, experienced grave abuses of their human rights, while the men who fathered these children faced no such consequences. Ireland is still coming to terms with how its wider society perpetuated this shame and how it enabled the systems that arose to contain and conceal it.

On our retreat a range of responses to this time and place and the echoes that linger into the present day may be evoked. Retreatants are gently encouraged to make space for those inner parts which feel anger, grief, numbness or shame, or whatever else may arise. We may find that it’s possible to open to the question - which parts of others and ourselves have we banished behind high walls?

The Three Tenets

We will be guided by the Three Tenets of Zen Peacemakers, formulated by Roshi Bernie Glassman.

Not Knowing – thereby giving up fixed ideas about myself and the universe
Bearing Witness – to the joy and suffering of life
Taking Action (also described as 'healing') – that arises from Not Knowing and Bearing Witness 

Roshi Bernie Glassman on the Three Tenets:
“It’s about questions. More specifically, it’s about how to live a life from the spirit of questioning, a life of not knowing. If we are willing to live such a life, a life without fixed ideas and answers, we can bear witness to any situation we are confronted with, however difficult, disturbing or painful it may be. And from this witnessing comes right action: the work of peace, the work of healing.”

Taking a retreat plunge
As conceived by Roshi Bernie Glassman, a Bearing Witness retreat is a ‘plunge’ into the legacy and present-day impact of a collectively traumatic event or period of history. In a retreat plunge we stay in one place for a period of time so that we can gradually become intimate with it and listen deeply to it. Our main place will be Sean Ross Abbey, close to Roscrea in County Tipperary, in the centre of Ireland. It operated as a mother and baby institution between around 1932 and 1970. The film ‘Philomena’ is about the experiences of Philomena Lee, who gave birth in the home, and her child Anthony Lee/Michael Hess. 

A recent Irish government investigation reported that since the foundation of the Irish state in 1922, 56,000 women were admitted to mother and baby institutions. During the period of its operation, a total of 6,414 women were admitted to Sean Ross Abbey, 6,079 children were born there and 1,090 children died there. A local group of people who have a personal connection to Sean Ross Abbey are currently trying to find out where the majority of these babies were buried, as there are no grave markers for them. We’ll hear from members of this group, and others who are connected with Sean Ross Abbey, or who are connected with other such institutions in Ireland and elsewhere. 

We will also make a day-trip to Tuam, County Galway where local historian Catherine Corless will speak to us. In her research between 2011 and 2013 she discovered that 796 babies and children had been buried there in unmarked, mass graves, including inside a disused septic tank. When the story became public in 2014 it reverberated around the world. 

*Please note that although this retreat is inspired by Zen Peacemakers retreats, this event is not organised by Zen Peacemakers International.

Click here for further retreat information and to register.

“May I always have the courage to bear witness, to see the others as myself and myself as the others” 

Roshi Bernie Glassman

Sean Ross Abbey; Commemoration event at Tuam; the 'Angel's Plot' at Sean Ross Abbey.
The grotto at Tuam

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